Robotics Advanced


Explore Complex Robotics: Delve into advanced mechanical design, building intricate and intelligent robots.

Advanced Coding Techniques: Tackle more challenging coding concepts, vital for complex robotic programming.

Problem-Solving at a Higher Level: Engage in projects that demand strategic thinking and advanced problem-solving skills.

Step into Robotics Advanced and watch your child transform into a confident, skilled creator, ready to lead in the technological revolution.
Expert Mechanical Engineering Course

Advanced course in mechanical engineering for experts, covering intricate design principles, cutting-edge technology, and practical applications.

Expert Autonomous Robotics Course

Cutting-edge algorithms, technology, and practical applications for expertise in autonomous systems and robotics.

Master Robotics Course

In-depth theory, programming, and hands-on applications for advanced proficiency in robotics engineering.


Robotics Microdegree program is carefully designed to develop a technical bent in your child giving enough exposure to mechanical design as well as coding.

Class Enrollment

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